| Ellen Allgaier Fountain is a signature member of the National Watercolor Society,
Watercolor West, the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies and the Arizona Watercolor Association,
and has lived in Tucson, Arizona since 1971. She holds B.F.A and M.A. degrees from the University of Arizona.
Fountain works in watercolor, mixed water media and collage on paper and canvas, and also creates one-of-a-kind
digital paintings and print editions on paper and canvas.
An award-winning artist, she has exhibited her work in major shows throughout the United States, including Watercolor USA, The National Watercolor Society, The Rocky Mountain National, The Arizona Biennial, and the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies. Her work is in many private and public collections, including the Tucson Museum of Art, and has been published in Watercolor (published by American Artist Magazine), The Artists' Magazine, Splash watercolor books (North Light Books), and The Best of Watercolor (Rockport Publishers). She has also received a Tucson-Pima Arts Council Visual Artist Fellowship award.
Ellen currently is a teaching artist at The Drawing Studio in Tucson where she offers watercolor classes and workshops. Other teaching experience includes five years in the Artist-in-Residence program, sponsored by the Arizona Commission on the Arts, several years at the now-defunct Tucson Art Institute, eight years of public school art teaching, and the occasional workshop sponsored by a watercolor group.